Here you can find useful links such as Local farms, animal care pages or Registration Associations
Fredin Acres - They raise show quality Nigerian Dwarf goats & a commercial Angus based cow/calf operation on their farm is located in Arlington, MN.
Built on the Rock Farm - Family farm raising Nigerian Dwarf goats and Honey organically. Located near LaPorte, MN
Russian Ridge Farm - Located in Southern Minnesota, they specialize in show quality ADGA Nigerian Dwarf goats.
Disana Farm - They focus on improving conformation and production in the Nigerian Dwarf breed.
Fias Co Farms - This site provides valuable information on goat care, vaccinations, deworming, breeding and what not.
Onion Creek Ranch - Breeding Tennessee Meat goats, they also provide information for care, breeding, dosages, very handy site.
MidAmerica Agriculture Research Inc - They provide fecal testing and information on how to collect specimens.
NDSU - Excellent testing lab and reasonable prices with fast turn around times.
Registry and Pedigree
ADGA - American Dairy Goat Association, providing information on showing, caring, breeding, selling and buying your goats!
ADGA Genetics - ADGA pedigree database.
AGS - American Goat Society. It was the first organization to register purebred goats exclusively.